We all like to think that we are invincible. We never get sick or injured, we never miss a run or walk or workout, we are like Wonder Woman or Superman, all rolled into one.  There are no sick days in our world, we don’t stay awake at night coughing or blowing our nose, we have iron clad stomachs and the flu doesn’t dare to cross our paths. And then one day, our nose does run, we cough like we are hacking up a lung, we are hot and cold at the same time and we are sick.  So what do you do?  Carry on or take a break to let your body rest and heal?  

You can ask 100 people and get 100 answers, what I will tell you is to listen to your body.  If you are tired, feverish, can’t breath and are coughing it is your body telling you that it is time to take a break.  Most colds are caused by viruses and unlike bacteria, there are no antibiotics that will cure a cold, you need to rest your body.  

Take some days off, how many? Only you can judge how many.  Drink plenty of liquids, water, tea with honey, hot water with honey and lemon.  REST, sleep, watch old movies, read a book until you drift off, you are not helping anyone if you are sick.  Take care of yourself.  You will know when you feel stronger and ready to come back. Don’t try to jump right back in to where you left off.  Ease back into your workout routine, no need to push yourself and make yourself sick again.

Try to stay away from sick people, when you get sick, take care of yourself and take time off to heal. You will be back, stronger and healthier than before. No one wants to be sick, it messes with our routines and our plans, but sometimes it is inevitable.  Hang in there, take care and feel better!