So much of life is about competition, you are expected to be the best at everything you do. If you participated in sports you have probably heard the quote “winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”, which sets us all up for failure.

In our training groups we are competing but not to be the best or the first one finished or to be the fastest or to run or walk the most miles, we are competing with our selves.  Competing with ourselves to be the best we can be.  For some people signing up and showing up for the first workout means that they got themselves off the couch and they are doing something positive for them selves.

I want you to challenge yourself to move out of your comfort zone and try something new. I want you to work hard and be better every week than you were the week before.  I want you to feel stronger, feel healthier, feel more confident after every workout. Sure, some workouts will feel terrible and you won’t want to go on, but you will because you are competing to be the best you.

You win when you show up, you win when you push yourself to do something you have never done before, you win when you take part in a race for the first time or run or walk a new distance.  You are winning because you are taking care of you.  You will be stronger, healthier and happier for yourself, your family and your friends.