While running the Indy Half Marathon in November, I had a lot of time to think and to listen to other runners and walkers.  I realized how many running groups there are, and I thought about what brings them together. I saw shirts from running clubs, schools and other races. I listened as people talked about the race they were involved with, sharing memories of other races and supporting their running partners in the current race.  I saw up close and personal the support and fun from YPOM (Your Pace or Mine) to Mike as he ran his 50th state marathon, and how we supported Amy on her 4th for 40 marathon/birthday celebration.  

In so many sports, competition is the name of the game.  In running we truly are a community. Not to say there isn’t competition in running, there is, at the top of the age groups, for big money in big races, for bragging rights amongst friends but there is also a supportive, encouraging motivating  community.  

A community who checks on runners by the side of the road, a community to travels to destination races to celebrate and support, a community that congratulates others who are wearing their medal the day of the race.  Running and walking brings us together, miles completed in sun, rain or snow bonds us together.  PR’s (personal records) achieved brings congratulations from all, attempting a longer distance pushes you and your friends to keep moving together.  A community that workouts out together, laughs together, cries together and eats together.  A community of friends who become our family.