When you began this journey, you probably had some vague goal in mind, you wanted to get off the couch, complete a Couch to 5K program, finish a 5K race, get in shape, get back to running or walking or you want to be with your friends and do what they were doing (always a great reason).  The first step to setting a goal is to choose that goal. If you are off the couch, you are on your way.

No matter what we do in life, it is good to have goals, at the beginning of every year people write their resolutions, what they want to happen in the coming year, and you know that most of these are forgotten by the time they hit the middle of February. Those of you who work out at a gym know these people, we call them “resoluters” they show up at they gym on January 2 and are gone by Valentines Day, if not sooner.  However setting an attainable goal, writing it down, breaking it into bite size pieces and following through can change your life.

If you are just beginning, it is good to set running or walking goals thinking about your fitness, not necessarily how fast you will complete a race or how much time you will drop every time you run a certain distance.  These goals will help you to change how you view your health and wellness and will assist you in setting different goals after you are “off the couch”.  If you are already a runner or walker and you want to get faster or go longer distances, then write your goals with that in mind.

Think about what you want to achieve, do you want to workout a certain number of times a week, attempt a new distance, run or walk faster. lose some weight?  Pick a goal that will work for your life.

Pick a target date for completing this goal. Is this next week? Next month? Next year?  Choose a date, this gives you a clear timeline.

How will you reach this goal? Break it into easy steps, what will you do every month, every week every day towards your goal?

WRITE IT DOWN.  This is a very important step, by writing it down you become accountable. Print it out, put it where you will see it every day (like on your frig) make it your screen saver or your background on your phone.  Get it out there to remind your self every day.

Ask for assistance. Are you training for a race?  Wanting to run or walk 3 times a week? Wanting to exercise more or eat healthier?  Ask your friends or family to be on your team and support and motivate you. Get your support team in place.

Once you complete that goal, celebrate. Go out with friends, buy yourself some new workout clothes or a favorite book or anything that will help you to celebrate.

Then the cycle begins again, pick a goal with a date, break it down in to easy steps, write it down, ask for help, complete and celebrate!

Setting your goal will help to set your up for success.  Now you just need to begin…….Ready…..set……go!