Last week I didn’t get a blog posted or even written.  I kept thinking about it and worrying about it and still, it didn’t happen.  I was feeling sad that I didn’t get it done, life just got in the way.  Sometimes our workouts are like that, we are going along great, getting our workouts in, feeling stronger and then for any or no reason, we get sidetracked.  Life gets in the way, we have to go out of town, work gets busy, we get sick or injured, our family needs us, you know the reasons. I could ask everyone “what gets in the way of your workouts?” and there would be as many answers as people who respond.  BUT just because your workouts have been interrupted by “life”, doesn’t mean that you are off track FOREVER.

We all have those times when getting our workout in seems to be impossible and we may grumble that “it’s not fair” or “I will never be able to run or walk again”, I know that inner voice of your’s, I have one too.  Anyway, the point is just pick up and start over, don’t quit, just start over.  It can be frustrating, especially after an injury or a long lay off to get back at it, you won’t be as fast or be able to go as far but remember, you can still go.  Yes, life will get in the way and your workouts will be interrupted, try to weave your workouts into your life, make them a part of your day, or week or month.  If you can’t get your workout in, it is not the end of your running or walking career, it is just a moment, maybe you need to back off, maybe you are tired and need rest, maybe “life” knows what you need for the long haul.

Keep in mind the long term, you want to be like Ella Mae Colbert, the 100 year old woman who set the record in the 100 meter dash in May, you want to just keep going.  It’s ok to get off track but quitting is never an option.