Fear of Missing Out, don’t laugh, this is a real thing…….

Once you begin running or walking and taking part in races with your peeps this becomes SO real.  There is a reason that SOCIALLY is the first word in our name, Socially Motivated Wellness, because, being social provides so many of us with the motivation to keep moving.

FOMO, how does it work?   Let’s say “Cindy” and “Mary” find a race that they want to do and so they decide that they will sign up for the race. It doesn’t matter if it is in Virginia Beach, on Mackinac Island, in Detroit or Key Wet, they let their friends know that “……race (fill in the race or location)” looks fun and they have already signed up. From then on, a flurry of posts, texts, emails, checking calendars, checking for hotels, flights or driving directions takes place.  Next thing you know, there are 25 people signed to participate in this race.  No one wants to miss out, no one wants to miss a fun activity no matter what race or what location.   FOMO provides us an opportunity to take part in a race, with our friends in places we may not go alone.  Just like running or walking in a group, we travel and race in a group.

You already know the importance of running or walking in a group, you know that the group provides motivation, encouragement, support and confidence, so of course it makes sense that you want all of that when you participate in the race.  It is also VERY cool as you go to races with friends and you know that your group is having the most fun, other race participants notice our groups and often they come and ask us who we are and where we are from, (everyone wants to be with the fun groups).  This gives us a great reason to invite others to join us in our running, walking and training.

On the down side of FOMO is “IMO “- I missed out.  We have all felt this sad moment when for whatever reasons we choose not to take part in the race. We see the posts, the pictures, realize that others are eating and celebrating without us and we have MISSED OUT. This usually leads to declarations of “I will never miss another group activity” or “I will run a race with my friends EVERY MONTH”.  No one wants to miss the fun.

FOMO It is a great motivator which leads to great times with great friends. You should remember to say “thank you” to your “Cindy” or “Mary” or whomever it is in your group who first says…”hey, I found this great race…..”